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Give to Chisuk Emuna

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Tzedakah Opportunities
(Listed alphabetically)

Arthur Smeltz Scholarship Fund

The primary purpose of this fund is to award scholarships to worthy teenagers to attend programs with Jewish content.


Building Fund

This fund pays for major building repairs and improvements.


Chisuk Emuna Congregation

Support the annual operating expenses of the synagogue.


Chisuk Emuna Congregation Endowment Fund

This fund was established in 1994 by multiple Chisuk Emuna members to provide a reliable funding stream to sustain clergy salaries and help offset annual operating expenses. With the participation in the Life and Legacy initiative starting in 2015, the fund has seen significant growth in its value, and provides an increasingly important role in helping us provide meaningful programming and spiritual enrichment to our members. (This fund is housed at The Jewish Community Foundation of Central Pennsylvania. 

Click here to make a direct donation through the JCF.)


David and Barbara Cohen Adult Education Fund

This fund has been established by Dennis and Timmerie Cohen and Bruce Cohen and Melissa Pearlman in memory of their parents. The fund supports adult education programs and in-depth Jewish learning experiences at Chisuk Emuna Congregation.


Ellen Mussaf Fund for Mishpachah (Family)

The purpose of this fund is to enable members of the synagogue's mishpachah (family) to participate in Jewish enrichment activities. This includes, but is not limited to, scholarships for children and teens to attend Gesher, BBYO, Camp Green Hills or other Jewish camps, and opportunities for families to come together in social and/or educational settings to deepen their connection to Judaism. 


This fund was established by Ellen Mussaf's daughter Rachel (Mussaf) Goldbaum, son-in-law Micah, and granddaughters Sarah and Kayla as a way to honor and remember the two most important things in her life- family and Judaism.


Florence and Jack Solomon Building Endowment Fund 

This fund is a building and capital improvement fund.


Harry and Rose Goldman Fund

The purpose of the fund is to purchase Etz Hayim Chumashim and other religious books for the Shul.


The Harvey Danowitz and Family Endowment Fund

This fund was established by Michael and Erica Danowitz, and other family members, in 2021, in memory of Harvey Danowitz, z”l.  Annual distributions from the fund support rabbinic and clergy related needs, as well as providing funding for an annual legacy event to be held in Harvey’s memory, and to encourage legacy giving throughout the congregation. (This fund is housed at The Jewish Community Foundation of Central Pennsylvania. 

Click here to make a direct donation through the JCF.)


Janet Frankel Staub Adult Education Fund

This fund supports adult education programs, including but not limited to, scholars-in-residence and courses involving in-depth Jewish learning.


Josh Klein Fund

This fund supports the Josh Klein Bikkur Cholim Society, which offers support to those who are ill and their families by coordinating visits to patients in various area hospitals.


Kobrin Marcus Fund

Each year, this fund supports a Jewish cultural event such as a speaker or an artist.


Lillian Kramer Leviton Yiddish Culture Fund

This fund allows for high quality Yiddish presentations in literature, music and folk arts to be brought to Chisuk Emuna or developed within the shul in order to deepen our connection to our roots and to expand congregants’ appreciation of the richness and vibrancy of Eastern European Jewish traditions-past, present and future.


Marty Doctrow Kiddush Fund 

Subsidizes the cost of weekly refreshments served following Shabbat services. The kiddush is an important part of synagogue life providing opportunities for members and guests to socialize and reflect on services.


Naomi and Marshall Spector Fund for Jewish Music

Helps to support ritual and non-ritual Jewish musical activities such as High Holidays cantorial services, guest musicians and concerts.


Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund

Allocations are made to local, national and international tzedakot. Sometimes, individuals are aided with emergency loans or grants. Occasionally, special synagogue programs and initiatives are funded.


Rabbi Ron Muroff Community Inspiration Fund

This fund supports new initiatives to engage individuals in innovative and inspiring experiences, including prayer and study, and community service that express and reflect Jewish and universal values.


Richard Baron Torah Readers Fund 

The main purpose of the fund is to offer a stipend to teenagers who read Torah on Shabbos or at other services for the congregation.


Sylvia Savalovitz Memorial Fund

This fund helps students to attend programs with Jewish content. This fund also helps individuals who need assistance in paying daily living expenses or have an immediate emergency.


Stanley and Cory Schneider L’dor V’dor Fund

The purpose of this fund is to enhance Jewish education from one generation to the next, through educational and programming events at Chisuk Emuna, that are open to the community, and including (but not limited to) bringing in scholars from the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.


Urie Philanthropic Fund

The purpose of the fund is to help feed the needy, pay daily living expenses and help with extraordinary medical expenses of people in need.


Walter Benson Fund 

This fund is used to help send students to programs with Jewish content.

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