Upcoming Events

Shabbat Chapel Minyan!
Saturday, March 22nd
11:00 am at Chisuk Emuna
Please join us for our monthly Shabbat Chapel Minyan! Lisa Plotkin and Michael Green will lead a discussion on this week’s parsha, Vayakhel, and explore what binds a community in trying times. At 12:00, we will join participants from the main sanctuary for kiddish!

Wrestling With Torah:
Explore the Text, the World and Ourselves​
Sunday mornings on Zoom
Wrestling with the Torah is a dynamic new series for and facilitated by members of the Chisuk Emuna family that invites you to explore the timeless - and sometimes perplexing - teachings of the Torah through modern eyes. Together, we will confront challenging stories and commandments, study our ancestors’ interpretations of these passages and share our own responses as we explore how the Torah relates to our lives today.
Whether you're an experienced student of Torah or beginning your journey into Torah study, this series will give you opportunities to connect with the Torah and fellow seekers on a deeper level.
Please join us on Sunday, March 9 from 10:00-11:00 am for our first session. (The Zoom link will be posted on chisukemuna.org a few days before each class). RSVP to Nancy Simmons
This Week: March 20-29
Thursday 20
7:15 pm | Maariv / Evening Service.
In-person only.​
Friday 21
Candle lighting 7:10pm​​​​
Saturday 22
9:30 am | Shabbat Morning Service
In-person and on Zoom.​
Torah readers: Craig Match, David Spector, Maggie Grotzinger, Nitsa Kann, Rabbi Ron Muroff. Haftarah: Charlotte Spector
11:00 am | Shabbat Chapel Minyan
Lisa Plotkin and Michael Green lead a discussion
7:05 pm | Mincha / Afternoon Service followed by learning and Ma'ariv / Evening Service
In-person only.
8:20 pm | Havdalah.
In-person and on Zoom.
Sunday 23
9:00 am | Shacharit / Morning Services
In person only.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Monday 24
No synagogue events.
Tuesday 25
9:00 am | Shacharit / Morning Service
Zoom only.
7:15 pm | Ma'ariv / Evening Service
In-person only.
Wednesday 26
7:15 pm | Torah learning with Rabbi Muroff.
Zoom only.​​​
Thursday 27
7:25 pm | Maariv / Evening Service​
Friday 28
5:30 pm | Kids Shabbat
Candle lighting 7:10pm​
Saturday 29
9:30 am | Shabbat Morning Service,
In-person and on Zoom.​
7:15 pm | Mincha / Afternoon Service followed by learning and Ma'ariv / Evening Service.
In-person only.
8:25 pm | Havdalah.
In-person and on Zoom.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Monthly Community Food Packing Initiative
Monday, March 24th
4:00 pm at Chisuk Emuna
Please join Chisuk Emuna volunteers along with other members of our community to help pack emergency food bags for homeless shelters in Harrisburg.​

We warmly invite you to any one of our numerous in person and online events or services!
Interested in finding out more?
Email Rabbi Muroff
or call 717-232-4851.

Click the button to download and print our membership application.
Please return the completed form to the office at 3219 Green St. Harrisburg, Pa 17110.